Jul 9, 2008

7 Years, already?

On June 30th, Aaron and I celebrated 7 wonderful years of marriage!

For those of you who do not know the story... The morning before our wedding I was walking down the stairs in slippers and slipped... landed on my ankle on the corner of the step... OUCH! Aaron was at my house in 10 mins (normally a 15-20 min drive) and my mom and him took me to the ER. After only a few hours of waiting, they took x-rays and determined I did not NEED a cast. they wrapped my ankle which was already twice it's normal size, and sent me home with vicodin to use on the wedding day, and strict orders to keep my foot elevated and no weight on it for at least 3 days. - FUN! :-)

My mom stayed up til 1am decorating the crutches and wheelchair that I would be using. Thank you mom! So the morning of the wedding... 6am hair and make-up, 9am (vicodin on mostly empty stomach),pictures at the church, 10:30am wedding, 11:30am reception, 2pm Allison is so sick she throws-up before she can get to the bathroom.... I kid you not, the vicodin made me so sick... I felt horrible all day, I should have just lived with the pain or taken motrin and tylenol, drugs my body is used too... let that be a lesson for everyone!

Well at least I will have a memorable story to tell the grand kids someday. :-) To this day I have only watched my wedding video once, I can't watch it without getting upset.

I could not ask for a better husband, God truly has blessed me. Thank you!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow 7 years! I cannot believe that it has been that long either. Paul and I are celebrating our 10th this month. Hope you had a nice night out. Sorry we cannot make it to Kenzie's party. Hope to see you when we get back.