Feb 11, 2009

Disneyland was fun...

OK so most of you thought I was totally CRAZY for going to Disneyland the other day.... I can't say I really blame you. It was FREEZZZZZING COLD!!!!! But it didn't rain while we were there so that was a BIG plus!! And we walked onto everything... even Nemo was only a 10 min wait.

So next time you go to Disneyland, you have to ride Small World!! It is so nice with all the improvments that they made. It is all newly painted, and they added a USA section, as well as Disney characters. See if you can spot all the ones I did, and let me know if you find any others!

- Alice in Wonderland and White Rabbit
- Cinderella w/ Jaq and Gus
- Pinnochio and Jimminy Cricket
- Simba and Pumba
- The Three Amigos
- Mulan and Mushu
- Arial and Flounder
- Nemo and Dory
- Lilo and Stich
- Woody, Jessy, and Bullseye

Happy Hunting!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I admit, I still like going on it's a small world. I know when Heidi sees it, she will love it!.

Glad you had fun!