Sep 30, 2008

Conversations with a 4 year old:

Kaitlyn: Mommy I don't like God anymore...
Me: Why?
Kaitlyn: Because he's a boy.. I don't like boys, only girls
Me: Who said God is a boy? What if God is a girl?
Kaitlyn: That would be silly, because we would have to change him back into a boy
Me: oh... OK

Kaitlyn: I don't want to get bigger
Mw: Why?
Kaitlyn: Because when I get bigger I won't have girlfriends anymore, I will be all alone.
Me: Kaitlyn, your friends will get bigger as you get bigger. When you are 6 Isabel will be 6 too.
Kaitlyn: Really???
Me: Yes
Kaitlyn: OK, I guess I can get bigger.

1 comment:

Megan said...

too funny . . . I can't wait to have conversations with Madilyn!