Oct 21, 2008

Cal Poly Pumpkin Festival

OK so on Sunday after lunch, my mom, sister, her new husband, and I took the girls to the Cal Poly Pumpkin Festival. It was a lot of fun!! First we took them down the "big" inflatable slide, tickets were .50 cents each, so they only got to go one time, but they loved it. Then we headed over to the horses.. it was $4 a ride, but Grandma wanted to see them ride, so they got to go. So much fun, the girls did a really good job! Then finally we walked through the pumpkin patch for them to pick out pumpkins. They had a lot of fun running around. Mackenzie was filthy when we left.. as you can see in the picture, she had no shoes on.

Our three beautiful pumpkins!! All for only $10!! :-)

Hanging onto the fence watching the horses take all the other kids on rides around the arena first.... that line was about 30mins...

Kaitlyn and Mackenzie getting ready to ride the horses. They had to wear helmets.

Kaitlyn coming back after her ride around the arena.

Mackenzie after her ride.

The girls had a lot of fun. I wish it ran longer than just one weekend. There was also a "petting zoo" inside the pumpkin patch area, but the girls were too tierd by the time we were ready to visit. There were lots of booths selling al sorts of things. There was amazing fresh pumkin bread. We got some Dr. Bob's ice cream... delicious, the girls got chocolate, and us adults shared pumpkin ice cream!! There was one booth that made little mini donuts.. that was cool. There was lots and lots of fresh produce everywhere. Oh, and there was a huge incect building... we did not check that out!

1 comment:

Ryan, Jane, Nate and Zach said...

Where are all the pumpkins? It looks like it was slim picking this year! Glad you got some good looking ones! Sad we missed it.