Jun 27, 2007

Our Team

OK so this was our team going to Morocco. First you have my mom Mary Ann, then Liz, Amy, Kaitlyn, myself, Aaron, and of course little Mackenzie. We all got along so well on this trip, it was amazing really... no fighting... no hair pulling... even the kids got along well! :-) It was sad to leave Liz and Amy in Texes, we miss them. Kaitlyn is still asking me where they are, and I have to keep explaining why we can't just drive to their houses to see tham. Liz lives in Indiana, and Amy in Kentucky so obviously, it's only a 10 or 15min drive like everyone else she knows. Hopefully one day not to far in the furture they will be able to fly out here and we can show them the wonderful things Southern California has to offer them... like Disneyland... and the Pasific Ocean.. and of couse Flipside!

1 comment:

Ryan, Jane, Nate and Zach said...

Hi Allison
I got tagged with a “Meme” and now I’m tagging you.
Check out my blog to see what I’m talking about www.lanecrew.blogspot.com