Jun 22, 2007

Villages outside Izmourren

This is the same site that Aaron was at last year. This is the "Community Center." Last year there was only one story and no roof yet... very exciting to see the progress!
The FOR on the Building stands for Friends Of the Rif (pronounced reef-i). It is wired for electricity just not hooked up yet, it is also ready to be hooked up to a septic-tank and have running water. This will service as a house upstairs for one of the Long Term workers and a believing Moroccen family, the downstairs will be a "community center" where they will also hold classes on a marid of topics, ranging from hygine to language learning.

This building is a barn that holds sheep, chickens, and rabbits. Aaron helpped lay the foundation for this last year. This allows them to keep and care for a large number of animals.

Kaitlyn standing next to a baby olive tree. They planted 200 olive trees on this property and in 3 years time they will bring in $30,000 USD worth of profit for them! This is amazing.

This is a cistern that will collect rain water and allow them to use it

This is a photo of how the local village people have been living the past 3 years since the earthquake. A lot of people died because the houses were structually unsound, so they have been fearful of rebuilding.

Here is a picture of a house currently being built by the organization. So far they have built, I think, around 70-75 homes in 3 differant villages. They are now starting to work in a 4th village. It is simply amazing the differance in quality of life they are supply for these family's.

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